13th Annual Aquaponics Conference

Dallas, TX — September 13th-15th


Official Schedule Released!

We are thrilled to release the first official version of the 2024 Aquaponics Conference Schedule and Pre-Conference Workshop Schedule! To view a high quality PDF of the schedule, CLICK HERE.

This years conference contains 2-days of presentations (thats almost 40 hours of presentations!) with a diverse slate of topics that include research, education, commercial and alternative growing, industry perspective, as well as nonprofit and federal insights! Not to mention Auburn University and their team of experts will kick off the conference as our keynote speaker(s)! We will conclude our conference with a farm tour at Timberview Farmstead!

Interested in attending the conference? Go grab your ticket today or apply for our community/grower/STEM discount by CLICKING HERE.

Pre-Conference Workshop

We are excited to host our pre-conference workshop on Thursday 09/12 at Texas A&M (Dallas Agrilife Center).

This years schedule includes a tour of the Dallas Agrilife Center and Research Activities, 3.5 hours of classroom lectures, as well as an inclusive tour of Eden Green Technology! Lunch and transportation will be provided to those who attend. There are still a few tickets left for $225, but these are going quick and space is limited so act now to lock in your spot!

If you are interested in purchasing a ticket for the pre-conference workshop then CLICK HERE.

Conference Sponsors

We could not do this annual conference without our dedicated sponsors! Therefore we wanted to give a big ole shout-out to those supporting our efforts and driving the aquaponics industry forward!

Without the support of our members, affiliates, dedicated volunteers, and sponsors we would not be able to do what we do, so from the bottom of our hearts, THANK YOU.

If you have any questions about the conference then please do not hesitate to reach out to: Coordinator@aquaponicsassociation.org

Thank you and we hope to see you in Dallas!


Generating IDEAS at The 13th Annual Aquaponics Conference


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