USDA Powerpoint for $3M Urban Ag Grants

 Yesterday, June 3, the USDA hosted a webinar on $3 million in competitive grants from the new Office of Urban Agriculture and Innovative Production. The USDA states: "The competitive grants will support the development of urban agriculture and innovative production projects through two categories, Planning Projects and Implementation Projects. USDA will accept applications on until midnight July 6, 2020."The webinar included a powerpoint on the grants and grant process.

Click here to view: USDA Urban Ag Grants Powerpoint.

The USDA states that the grants will fund: "Activities that encourage and promote urban, indoor, and other emerging agricultural practices, including community gardens and farms located in urban areas, suburbs, and urban clusters; rooftop farms, outdoor vertical production, and green walls; indoor farms, greenhouses, and high-tech vertical technology farms; hydroponic, aeroponic, and aquaponic farm facilities; and other innovations in agricultural production."Let's make sure some of this funding is directed towards aquaponics. Please let us know if you have questions about the grants or would like to collaborate with the Aquaponics Association on a grant proposal.Contact: community@aquaponicsassociation.orgDo you want to help us promote aquaponics to the USDA and other policymakers?The Aquaponics Association is a nonprofit that connects growers and works to increase aquaponic production. One aspect of this Mission is representing aquaponics with policy-makers like the USDA, Congress, and food safety regulators. Please consider a General Membership to support this cause with a $60 Annual Membership.Benefits of Membership include:

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Membership fees also support:

  • Development and promotion of materials to educate the public about the benefits and opportunities of aquaponics!
  • Development of industry standards and best practices
  • Infrastructure to connect aquaponic growers from around the world
  • Strategic partnerships to expand aquaponics into new industries
  • Ability to speak with one voice to policy-makers and regulators on issues like Organic certification, food safety certification, and agriculture policy
  • Resources to improve aquaponic growers’ skills, growing capacity, and business opportunities
  • Resources to cultivate and develop aquaponics as an emerging green industry

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Weds June 3 USDA Webinar on $3M Urban / Innovative Ag Grants