Growing Community in Oklahoma

Putting Down Roots Journal #4

By Andres Kwart

Kaben Smallwood gave a heart-felt speech at the Putting Down Roots conference that left me (and those around me) with feelings of awe and inspiration. His views on community, education, and sustainability are extremely positive and necessary in modern day American society.

Part Native American, Kaben carries his beliefs about the “7th generation” into his everyday life. He believes in triple bottom line companies, which better the community and the Earth and still make a profit. His company, Symbiotic Aquaponic, has created opportunities in so many Oklahoma communities, like the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma and Kiowa Public Schools. In fact, Kaben and his brother, Shelby, have received offers to install their systems in numerous academic and social communities within Oklahoma, and have continued to spread around the country. It’s no coincidence that this company became popular quickly; they care about educating their customers before selling to them, they provide excellent customer service, and they design solid aquaponic systems. Kudos to these guys, and I hope they continue to prosper and spread their systems around the world.


Ryan's Aquaponic Trailer


Putting Down Aquaponic Roots Into the Food System